1996 Symposium-The Conference Abstracts

In all, 18 papers were delivered as part of the Kingston Symposium. Because of the large number of speakers, two concurrent sessions were held in the morning. We all came together into a single session in the afternoon.

To read the abstract of any of the papers listed below, simply click on the title. Use your mouse's back button to return to this page.

Ian Kenyon and Paul Lennox
Missing the Point: A Consideration of Survey Strategies in Small Sites Archaeology

James Pendergast
Hamlets Become Villages

Robert H. Pihl
The Beachridge Site: A Middle Woodland Encampment Within the Sydenham River Drainage

M.S. Cooper, E.M. MacDonald and D.A. Robertson
Waiting out the Weather: A Small Site on a Big Lake

Ronald F. Williamson
Sacred Stone: The Archaeology of Caches

David G. Smith, Trevor Ormerod and André Bekerman
Small Sites of the Princess Point Complex

Chris J. Ellis and D. Brian Deller
Investigations at Small Palaeo-Indian Sites in Southwestern Ontario

Peter Timmins
The Little Shaver Site: Exploring Site Structure and Excavation Methodology on a Small Unploughed Site

Marcel Laliberté
The Archaeological Complex at Leamy Lake Park, Hull, Québec: When Nomads Stay Put and Sedentary People Move About

Dena Doroszenko and John Light
The Smithy at Griffin Gables, Brockville, Ontario

Hugh J. Daechsel
Sawdust Bay and its Role in the Interpretation of Ottawa Valley Archaeology

Paul Thibaudeau and Martha A. Latta
Use-Wear Analysis on Copper and Brass Material from the Thompson-Walker Site (ca. 1600 - 1650)

Carl Murphy
A View of the Gap: The 1996 Salvage Excavation of Highway 33, Adolphus Reach, Bay of Quinte

Rémi Farvacque
The Effects of Landscape Change on Woodland Groups and Their Sites, Pukaskwa National Park, Northeast Lake Superior

Vandy E. Bowyer
Plant Remains from Archaeological Contexts in Pukaskwa National Park, North Central Ontario

Ellen Blaubergs
The Phoenix Site: Attempting to Rise from the Ashes or A Critical Assessment of Small Site Public Archaeology

Nick Adams
Archaeological Bits and Bytes for Profit or Penury: A do-it-yourself introduction to multimedia publishing

Paul A. Lennox
Bigger is Better? or Site Significance is not always a Function of Baseline Length




The page was lauched February 28, 1997 and updated on December 7, 2015.

All rights reserved © 1997 The Ottawa Chapter of the Ontario Archaeological Society.