Ottawa Chapter OAS

Chapter News and Activities

Our monthly meetings
Unless otherwise indicated meetings are held at the Routhier Community Centre, 172 Guigues Ave.

Virtual Lecture Via Zoom

Tuesday, February 25th, at 7:30pm
Archéo-Pontiac: a community archaeology journey

Come listen to Audrey Lapointe and Jean-Luc Pilon discuss a local public archaeology project


Audrey and Jean-Luc will be presenting the Archéo-Pontiac project journey, from the initial spark of this public dig project to the findings and results from 2023. They will leave you with the desire to come and dig with next summer!  

Audrey Lapointe has been an elementary school teacher in Quyon, Pontiac, for several years. In addition to teaching and her interest in outdoor education, she collaborates on various projects related to the territory, heritage and nature.  Since 2022, she has been collaborating on the Archéo-Pontiac project, a citizen science initiative focusing on the archaeology and heritage of the Sault-des-Chats.

Jean-Luc Pilon is a former curator of archaeology at the Canadian Museum of History.  While his research interests have spanned more than four decades and ranged across northern Canada, Tierra del Fuego in southern Chile and the battlefields of Vimy Ridge in France, his heart lies in the Ottawa Valley where he was born and raised.  For two years now he has lent a hand to the community-based public archaeology program Archéo-Pontiac.

Please register for this lecture :
Meeting Registration - Zoom

You will receive a link to the meeting following registration.

Virtual Lectures

Our virtual lectures of 2020 are now available for viewing on YouTube.
For a description of the topics and a link to the videos click HERE

Our virtual lectures of 2021 are now available for viewing on YouTube.
For a description of the topics and a link to the videos click HERE

Our virtual lecture of 2022 is now available for viewing on YouTube.
For a description of the topic and a link to the video click HERE

Our virtual lecture of 2023 is now available for viewing on YouTube.
For a description of the topic and a link to the video click HERE

Other meetings


Digs,  Excursions and Public Archaeology

Bonnechere Day July 13, 2019
Once again the Chapter was invited to deliver a program for Archaeology Day at Bonnechere Provincial Park.  This is an annual event for many of us who participated and had the pleasure of enjoying the many amenities of the park during the weekend.   Our collaboration with the Park and the Friends organization goes back more than twenty years!  The interest, enthusiasm and support we receive from staff and the campers is very much appreciated.
VIEW photos from Bonnechere Day

In these stay-at-home times,
Capital Heritage Connexion invites you to explore their online heritage offerings on Ottawagraphy

Canadian Institute for Mediterranean Studies Conferences

Click HERE for 2023-24 virtual Zoom schedule and contact information

Archaeological Institute of America Conferences

Click HERE for 2023-24 virtual Zoom schedule and contact information 



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This page was launched on December 17, 1996 and updated on February 6,  2025
Copyright © 1997-2000 The Ottawa Chapter of the Ontario Archaeological Society Inc