The Ottawa Chapter of the Ontario Archaeological Society was founded in 1971 with the aims of promoting and advancing archaeology in the Province of Ontario but with a further concentration on the Ottawa area.
For a copy of our constitution in pdf format please click
here .




Archaeology is the study of the past through its material remains. When there are no written records we can know the people who lived here before us only through the objects they left behind. For all but a few centuries of the 10,000 or so years Ontario has been inhabited there are no written records. Even for those last few centuries archaeology supplements our picture of the past.


The Ontario Archaeological Society (OAS) was founded in 1959. Its aims are to promote and advance archaeology particularly in the Province of Ontario by facilitating co-operation and the exchange of ideas among those interested in archaeology and excavation and to stimulate the interest of the general public in archaeology. Chapters now exist in Toronto, Hamilton, London, Windsor, Thunder Bay, Huronia, Peterboroughand Ottawa. OAS members may choose to belong to more than one chapter.


Meetings of the Ottawa Chapter of the OAS usually take place on the second or third Thursday of the month (excepting June, July and August) at 7:30 pm at the Routhier Community Centre, located at 172 Guigues Ave.. These include slide presentations, lecture series and special events. Meetings are open to the public.


Digs-What a tale can be told by the treasures excavated by avocational archaeologists, as directed by trained, licenced professionals. Chapter members have participated in digs at South Lake and other sites along the Ottawa, Rideau and Bonnechere Rivers.

Trips-OAS members have travelled on archaeological tours to Egypt, Mexico, Greece and China. Chapter members enjoy trips to sites of local and provincial interest.



Public Archaeology-The Ottawa Chapter , OAS is recognized for a strong public archaeology programme. For more than a decade, popular Archaeology Days allow campers at Charleston Lake and Bonnechere Provincial Parks to learn about archaeology through hands-on exhibits and displays..

During the academic year, Chapter volunteers provide programmes allowing primary and secondary level students and teachers the opportunity to learn more about Ontario's past and the importance of archaeology.




Publications-As a member of the Ontario Archaeological Society you receiveArch Notes, a newsletter published six times a year, and Ontario Archaeology, a scholarly journal published twice a year. You also occasionally receive Monographs in OntarioArchaeology which is available to members either free or at a nominal charge. As a member of the Ottawa Chapter, you receive the Ottawa Archaeologist providing news of the Chapter's events and current research.



Symposia-In October-November, the two-day OAS symposium and annual general meeting of the Society is held in a major Ontario centre to provide an update on developments in Ontario and surrounding areas.


Interested in becoming more involved in preserving the prehistory of Ontario? Consider becoming a volunteer with the Ottawa Chapter. Members are an enthusiastic group of individuals with a variety of experiences and interests. They participate in a wide range of Chapter initiatives which include public archaeology events, organizing tours and contributing ideas.

Check out benefits of membership


To be a  member of  the Ottawa  Chapter, OAS
it is necessary also to be a member of the Ontario Archaeological  Society Inc,
 which gives you the right to vote at Annual Business Meetings, convened at the annual Fall
Symposium, as well as a subscription to Arch Notes and Ontario Archaeology.
Click HERE for the Ottawa Chapter and OAS membership application form

Contacting Us-You can reach the Ottawa Chapter through our mailbox at:

Ottawa Chapter, OAS
P. O. Box 4939,
Station E Ottawa, ON
K1S 5J1
or e-mail us at   
If you are interested in hearing more about activities or events hosted or promoted by the Ottawa OAS Chapter,
you can sign up to our mailing list here: 

Executive Members 2024

President: Philippe Trottier
Past President - André Miller
Vice President:  Brad Drouin
Treasurer:  Bill MacLennan
Secretary: Monica Maika
Director at large:  
Stephanie Carles
Director at large:  Aaron Mior

Director at large:  Pierre Desrosiers
Director at large: Marian Clark
Director at Large (Ottawa Archaeologist newsletter Editor) - OPEN

Follow us: 

 The provincial organization (OAS, Inc.) can be reached at:

Ontario Archaeological Society
1444 Queen Street East, Suite 102

Toronto ON M4L 1E1
Tel & Fax: 416-406-5959


This page was created July 13, 1996 and updated June 11, 2024
Copyright © 1997 The Ottawa Chapter of the Ontario Archaeological Society Inc.